To add to our craziness I found out this week that Tiffany is going to be a stay at home so I losing my full time job in June! Yea I know how could you possibly be mad at a mother for wanting to stay home with her baby?! I sure couldn't but I will admit it was bad timing for us! We just bought our car and in June we will have to pay rent for the apartment!
I had to put down some pride and ask fro help with Josh's graduation announcements (money that is) that was hard. Because I thought I could handle it but since the month of may includes two weddings, two birthdays, our anniversary and Mother's day I just didn't see how I would have the money to purchase them!
So back to my title, i have thought a lot about how nice it would be that God would send us an e-mail with what our future looks like. A little peace of mind would be nice! Now I don't want to know everything just the next couple months! Through all of the economic issues if we will be able to land a good full time job and life some what comfortably!?
I am a person who hates most change but I admitted to Josh the other day that I don't care where we move to as long as he has a full time ministry and knows that he is doing something he was trained to do. I hate the idea of leaving my family but I also know that they will support us even if we end up 2,000 miles away.
But more then anything Joshua and I have grown so close to each other these last four months! We have really learned to lean on each other. We are more in love today then eleven months ago when we exchanged vows! Oh how I love my husband!